free from OLD WAYS
free from OLD WAYS
The Swedish paint market is undergoing rapid change. From being a traditional reseller business, new players are building direct relations with consumers online. Colorama, one of the leading paint retailers in Sweden, saw a need to be part of driving these changes — adjusting to new consumer behaviors while driving growth. The idea of a new kind of paint brand was born — to win on the market, and disrupt it forever.
Aside from new and smaller players, paint brands are generic and traditional. Packaging that looks the same, palettes that look the same, and images showing the same kind of rooms being painted with the same type of shades. We decided to burn down the entire house and rebuild it from scratch.
Hello, world — meet CANCAN. A paint brand that looks like nothing else and does everything differently. From the transparent packaging to the bold logo(s), all the way down to store concept and communication, this is an icon in the making. To the community of creators and the creator in everyone, we salute you by saying:
Yes, you CANCAN.
Yes, you CANCAN.