OnePlus Nord
N200 5G

Spend your time playing,
not paying.


OnePlus Nord N200 5G is one of the most affordable 5G enabled smartphones on the market, together with other great features like long battery life and a big screen. But with a market filled with campaigns and marketing material focusing on showcasing specs and new technology (that no one really seems to understand), how do you stick out while also getting the message across? the answer: by focusing on the real benefits - more play, and less pay.


While the world tried to leave the pandemic behind in 2020, the year 2021 is far from business as usual. But we used the evolving remote set up to our advantage: working with multi-disciplinary teams and collaborators spanning across 3 continents & 6 countries while simultaneously coordinating 3 different photo shoots and a CG video production was not only surprisingly smooth, but also proved beneficial in getting access to amazing multi national talent and beautiful locations without being bogged down by travel restrictions.
CG Product VIDEO
Key feature-focused asset of the launch is this CG video, highlighting the KSP’s of the phone while continuing with the playful attitude of the overall concept with the help of music by the Swedish artist Harry K and over-the-top 3D visuals.


Hand drawn sketches, zoom meetings, excel documents, rough prototypes and lots and lots of emails - all to deliver highest quality assets focusing on one thing - more play, less pay.

Conceptualized and orchestrated in Stockholm with collaborators scattered across London, Sao Paolo, Barcelona, Berlin and Shanghai. 
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